
100 Third St NE Watford City, ND 58854


Watford City Middle School

Middle School Counseling Recourses


Watford City Public Schools provide free, short-term school counseling services to all students as needed. The focus of school counseling may be related to academics, social/emotional/behavioral health, or career guidance. The goal of the counseling program is to be preventative in nature. To aid with this process, the counselors may work with students on an individual, small group, or large group level. Students may be seen by the counselor based on the referral of the student from teachers, parents, school staff, or by self-referral of the student(s).

Jenna Bauer

Jenna Bauer
Grades 6-8
Email: Jenna.Bauer@k12.nd.us
Phone: 701-444-3624

Kelly Jones

Kelly Jones
Grades 6-8
Email: Kelly.Jones@k12.nd.us
Phone: 701-444-3624

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