
100 Third St NE Watford City, ND 58854


Health Services

Health Services

School Nurses

Ashley Abbe photograph

Ashley Abbe
Badlands Elementary and Watford City Middle School

What Can A School Nurse Do?

A school nurse can:

  • Administer specialized services to students (medications insulin pumps, tube feedings, ventilator care)
  • Verify immunization records
  • Provide screening and make referrals for vision and hearing
  • Provide professional health input and direction for school and community policies and programs
  • Identify and treat accidents and injuries
  • Manage students with chronic conditions such as diabetes, seizure disorders, allergies and asthma
  • Counsel students about physical and emotional issues

5 Ways A School Nurse Benefits A School

School nurses improve attendance through health promotion, disease prevention, and disease management.

Improved attendance means the healthy student is in the classroom ready to learn.

A school nurse in the building saves principals, teachers, and secretarial staff a considerable amount of time that they would spend addressing health concerns of students.

A school nurse in the building can promote self-care among principals, teachers and support staff.

  1. Increases Attendance
  2. Improves Academic Scores
  3. Saves Time
  4. Staff Wellness
  5. Preparedness

A school nurse can train staff for emergency situations.

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