New Staff Information
The McKenzie County Public School District #1 welcomes all new employees to the school district. We are constantly trying to find ways to improve the process for new teachers transitioning to our school district; this webpage is an effort to put information in one location and to make this process more effective and efficient for our new and recently hired teachers. Welcome to our school district and the Wolves family!
- Superintendent Dr. Holen
School Café
- Lunch Account -
Administrator Powerschool:
- For admins, scheduling, parent contacts, documentation, etc -
Adobe Creative Cloud
- This platform has a dual purpose.
- Aspects of this platform are taught at the High School
- Teachers may use this platform to generate materials that enhance the classroom or educational experience for students. For a teacher to gain access, please submit a request in FMX
AESOP (Frontline Absence Management)
- Used to put in teacher absences if you are sick, requesting time off and so on - AESOP platform
AIMSWeb Plus
- This is a platform for nationally-normed, skills-based benchmark assessments and progress monitoring across reading and math domains
- This platform supports students learning to read. Primarily used K-6 but can be used at other grade levels as needed
Amplify CKLA and Amplify ELA
- Grades K-8 English Language Arts blended learning environment
- Available to students via Clever
Autodesk Inventor Professional
- Environment used at the High School Engineering level
Big Ideas Math
- This platform is used for teaching Math at the Middle School
- Math -
Blue Cross Blue Shield
- Member Customer Service and Wellness Portal -
BrainPOP and BrainPOP Jr.
- BrainPOP is a group of educational websites with over 1,000 short animated movies for teachers and students, together with quizzes and related materials, covering the subjects of science, social studies, English, math, engineering and technology, health, and arts and music.
- K-5 students and staff can access both of these platforms through Clever.
- Middle School students and staff can access BrainPOP through Clever.
Breakout EDU
- Breakout EDU allows learner-centered experiences that allow students to work together, think conceptually, and utilize prior knowledge for deeper comprehension.
- Middle School has a site license. Teachers should check with the Building Principal about using this product.
- The elementary school Libraries each have a one user license for this product.
CENGAGE Learning / National Geogr Learning
- This platform supports Middle School Social Studies
- Sign in location to access digital resources for Students and Staff - Search for your school
- MCPSD1 Details for Teachers
Collaborative Classroom
- The Director of Teaching and Learning will inform teachers of how to use this platform
Curriculum That Matters
- Platform used at the High School for Consumer Math
Discovery Education
- Used for classroom resources -
- Available to students via Clever
- Multi-curriculum environment used at the High School and Middle School levels
- Used for enhancing classroom content - Edpuzzle Teacher Support website
- MCPSD1 Details for Teachers
- This environment supports Virtual Reality goggles at Badlands Elementary and Fox Hills Elementary
- Used by Kindergarten and First Grade Teachers and Specialists as well as K-5 SPED Teachers to assess student reading levels
- MCPSD1 Details for Teachers
Engage New York
- ELA curriculum -
Eureka Math (Great Minds)
- This is a K-5 learning platform for Math
- Available to students via Clever
- Ordering supplies you may need -
Follett Destiny Quest
- Environment used by all the school district's libraries for inventory, check-out, check-in, and fees management
- This is a company name as well as a product
- This environment is used to build, maintain, and operate online forms
- Used for maintenance and technology service requests. Also used for submitting bus requests and building rentals - Login for MCPSD1 FMX
Frontline Central
- Used for completing forms to submit to the District Office - Frontline Central Signin screen
Frontline - Recruiting and Hiring
- Used to apply for open positions within the district - Applitrack Login screen
Frontline Time & Attendance
- Used to view and submit timecards - Time & Attendance Signin screen
Gizmos / Science4Us from ExploreLearning
- Products specific to Math and Science
- MCPSD1 Details for Teachers
- Badlands Elementary and Fox Hills Elementary also have access to Science4Us
- Available to students via Clever
- Teachers use to monitor online student activity - GoGuardian Teacher Signin screen
- MCPSD1 Details for Teachers
Google Classroom
- Publish online assignments, conduct online discussions and collect grades from online tests - Google Classroom Signin screen
Google Workspace for Education - Plus
- The district subscribes to GWE to have the expanded features available to teachers
- The various Google Apps are included such as Chat, Email, Docs, Sheets and Slides
- A couple expanded features are the GWE Originality Checker for English Language Arts, Practice Sets, and expanded storage space
HMH Education Company
Read 180
- Online reading environment used at the Middle School
NWEA MAP Science
- Online environment for testing in Science. Used in Grades 6-11
- Used for Personalized Learning, Standards Mastery, and Continuous Diagnostic - IXL MCPSD1 Signin screen
- Available to students via Clever
Kesler Science
- Platform for Middle School Science
- Science Curriculum -
Learning A-Z
- Raz-Plus, ELL Edition, Science A-Z, and Vocabulary A-Z are licensed for use with early readers. All K-5 teachers and their students should have Raz-Plus available through Clever. Please speak with the Director of Teaching and Learning to request access to any of the other platforms. License numbers are limited
- Available to students via Clever
Learning Without Tears
- Handwriting Without Tears is a curriculum system for learning handwriting at the K-5 level
- Keyboarding Without Tears is a curriculum system for learning keyboarding at the K-6 level
- A number of curriculum have support from McGraw-Hill LLC online textbooks
- Gives K-5 teachers access to online Math textbooks/teacher editions. If you would like to request access, please contact your school principal -
- Number Worlds is a specialty Math curriculum used throughout the district
- Health curriculum is accessed by Middle School and High School teachers
- High School Biology and Physical Science use this platform
- Social Studies curriculum is accessed by High School and K-5 teachers
- Portal for accessing your accounts with MetLife - MetLife Insurance Portal Options
- Check with the District Office for MetLife products available to you
Microsoft Office 365
- MCPSD1 licenses Microsoft Office 365 through ND Information Technology (NDIT)
- All staff and all students receive a license.
- Login to Microsoft Office 365
- NDIT has a service to quarantine suspicious emails - Quarantine Information
- Staff should periodically check the quarantine for their email account and perform actions such as to delete unwanted items or release items that are needed.
- Staff can set their trusted senders by accessing
- This may require an additional sign on to the K12 email account.
- A Junk Email popup is displayed.
- Scroll down to the Senders section.
- Use the Safe Senders and Domains tab
- Use the button labelled + Add safe sender.
- Add the email address of the trusted sender.
Click OK to save it.
Mystery Science
- Environment supporting K-5 Science education
MusicPlay Online
- Platform used for Music courses at Fox Hills Elementary, Badlands Elementary, and the Middle School
ND A+ Assessment (Pearson ADAM Platform)
- Online Portal for Math, ELA, and Science State Assessments
- The ND A+ is a connected system of assessments that includes state-provided interim assessments (started Fall 2023) and a statewide summative assessment that will replace the NDSA (starting Spring 2025) - More Information
ND Alternate Assessment (NDAA, KITE)
- NDAA testlets are administered throughout the school year for some students and are embedded into the student’s instruction - More information
NDPHIT BSwift Portal
- Medical and Supplemental Insurance Election Platform - BSwift Portal
NDSA Portal (State Assessment)
- Online Portal for Math, ELA, and Science State Assessments - State NDSA Portal
- Platform for putting knowledge and relevant, real-world content at the center of skills practice to make literacy outcomes a reality for every learner
- Platform used at the High School and the Middle School
Novel Effect
- App used by the elementary libraries to enhance time reading aloud
- Platform used by District Administration to aggregate learning data
- Environment for authorizing hall passes and providing accountability for student whereabouts
- Used at the High School and Middle School
- MCPSD1 Details for Teachers
- Students can access Pass via Clever
Pear Deck
- Environment used at the Middle School for student collaboration
Perfection Learning (Perfection Next, Writable)
- Platform that supports English Language Arts at the High School and Middle School levels
Platform Athletics PLT4M
- App used by High School Physical Education in an independent fitness course
- Platform used by school district Food Services
- A component of this is School Café - Transfer to Food Services School Café webpage
ProEd Edmark
- Specialized online reading environment
- MCPSD1 Details for Teachers
Project 11
- Supporting K-5 students and teachers in bringing mental health awareness along with positive coping skills into their lives
- Check with the Director of Teaching and Learning if this environment is of interest to you for teaching
Project Lead The Way (PLTW)
- STEM education platform available to all grade levels
- Check with the Director of Teaching and Learning if this environment is of interest to you for teaching
PTCFast Conferencing System
- Teachers may use PTCFast to schedule parent-teacher conferences
- MCPSD1 Details for Teachers
- A Visitor Management component allows the district to track visitors whether parents, delivery persons, or visitors from other school districts
- An Emergency Management component provides resources to the School Resource Officers in tracking the outcomes of planned drills and in accounting for students and staff in emergency situations
Rosetta Stone
- Supplementary platform for English Learners
- EL Teachers submit an FMX request to district Information Technology staff to enroll / unenroll students on this learning platform
- This is the vendor that hosts the district's website
- Elementary school student dismissal and pick up App
- Login with the app on your teacher Ipad. Check with your Building Office staff if you do not know your account
Second Steps
- Advisory program -
- ShowMe is an app that allows educators to break content down into easily digestible micro-lessons, customizable down to the student, when necessary. The ShowMe suite of tools acts like a teacher’s right hand, letting you create and upload demonstrations through slides, drawings, animations, and audio to deliver comprehensive instruction to help your students develop deep understanding.
- Check with the Director of Teaching and Learning if this environment is of interest to you for teaching.
Socrative Pro
- Socrative Pro is an online platform designed to enhance student and teacher digital communications. It does this by offering a questions-and-answers learning system that can be created by teachers for a given tool.
- MCPSD1 Details for Teachers
- Supplemental digital math environment for Kindergarten through Fifth Grade.
- MCPSD1 Information for Teachers
- K-5 learning platform with untimed, multisensory interactive games that allow children to see, hear, and touch as they learn
- Available to students via Clever
- MCPSD1 Details for Teachers
STARS (State Automated Reporting System)
- Used for MISO3s -
- Platform with resources to enhance safety and wellness in the district's schools
Teacher Powerschool
- For attendance, documentation and gradebooks -
TI-84 Calculator App
- Installed for HS Math and Science teachers.
- Check with the Director of Teaching and Learning if this App is of interest to you for teaching.
- Used throughout the district for specialty Math instruction
- MCPSD1 Details for Teachers
Transmath/Language!/ V-port
- MTSS ELA and MTSS Math -
- This platform is used at the Middle School
- Online reading environment used at Badlands Elementary and Fox Hills Elementary schools
- Available to students via Clever
- Platform that supports English Language Arts at the High School and Middle School levels
- Checks student work for originality, plagiarism, and AI-generated content
- HS Science and Engineering software and specialized equipment
Visual PST
- App that enables maintenance of report card templates in conjunction with grades in PowerTeacher
- Certified staff to use for requisitions, view pay stubs and view/print W-4
- Non-certified staff (hourly staff) to use for leaves, view pay stubs and view/print W-4.
- The district has a limited number of Zoom accounts for use when Google Chat is not an option
- The District Office / School Board have a webinar account for use with School Board meetings
- The district has a "translate" license which can be associated with an account to enable content translation during a meeting
- 2023-2025 Salary Schedule (opens in new window)
- 2024 - 2026 WCAA Agreement
- New Staff Information
- District Employee Email Access (opens in new window)
- Staff Bullying Report Form (opens in new window)
- Tutorial Videos
- McKenzie County Relocation Guide (opens in new window)
- BCBS Wellbeing Program (opens in new window)
- Teacher Evaluation Rubrics (opens in new window)
- PLC Agenda (opens in new window)
- Parent-Teacher Templates
- Ordering Supplies
- English Learner Professional Development Course
- CHAT Referral Process
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