
100 Third St NE Watford City, ND 58854



Weather Procedures

Transportation (Bus) Winter Weather Procedures

Please visit the transportation section of our website for the Bus Winter Weather Procedures. To view them, To Get Winter Weather Transportation & Blue Day Locations.

If school is starting late, the Transportation Department has posted the new times of the bus pick-ups to accommodate the late start of school. Please use the bus locator app or website (Bus Stop Locator) to access this information and receive an approximate time on the late-start days.

Elementary Schools:

Please make sure you are sending your students to school with winter gear. Students are encouraged to have snow boots, snow pants, a snow jacket, gloves, scarves and hats. Outdoor recesses will continue until the Principal determines otherwise. The usual guideline for cold weather is Zero-Degrees without a wind-chill, and Negative-Ten with a wind-chill. The student will be allowed to stay indoors for recess only with the approval of the building administration.

If you need assistance with winter gear, please see our Family Facilitator, Breana Pacheco, or our office staff.

If you have extra winter gear that you no longer need and would like to donate to the school, you can bring any winter items you have to the secretaries at the schools. They will get them to the appropriate place so that they can be provided to students who are sent to school without warm winter gear.

Middle School:

Please make sure you are sending your students to school with weather appropriate gear. Students are encouraged to have snow boots, a snow jacket, gloves, and hats. Outdoor recesses will continue until the Principal determines otherwise. The usual guideline for cold weather is Zero-Degrees without a wind-chill, and Negative-Ten with a wind-chill. The student will be allowed to stay indoors for recess only with the approval of the building administration or with a doctor’s note.

If you need assistance with winter gear, please see our school social worker, Monique Wisness, or our office staff.

If you have extra winter gear that you no longer need and would like to donate to the school, you can bring any winter items you have to the secretaries at the schools. They will get them to the appropriate place so that they can be provided to students who are sent to school without warm winter gear.

Superintendent Update regarding winter weather

Weather... those that have lived in North Dakota for any period of time is familiar with the variety and severity of our weather patterns. This last October snowstorm, which essentially missed our area, but provided for icy conditions on the one morning, is a good example of what to expect from this point forward until May in some years. Weather can certainly change quickly and have different effects on the various geographic areas. Our school district is 1679 square miles and is the largest land mass school district in ND. The weather can vary dramatically even with our own school district over the winter season. With this in mind; the following are some statements and reminders in regards to weather situations in our school district and communications related to weather related delays or cancellations.

  1. Announcements related to weather are typically made prior to 6:00 AM. If conditions change following that time, they can be revised as needed; however, the goal is to always make a call in time to allow our longer routes time to make adjustments and give parents time to adjust their schedules.
  2. Announcements are made using the school’s Instant Alert system. Please make sure your contact information in Powerschool is accurate to receive these important calls. If you have questions as to the contacts, please communicate with a building office and someone can assist you. The system will provide an automated call, text, and email.
  3. A voice announcement will be made on the phone system, if you are in question regarding school starting times or closure feel free to dial the school phone number and see if an announcement is posted. If not, you can assume no decision has been made to that point.
  4. The school district will also post this announcement on the website and school district social media. Please only react to the announcements through school district formats; other postings on social media that are not affiliated with the school district may not be accurate.
  5. Postings will typically also be made on the local TV news stations with the primary posting being on the KX weather station.
  6. The school district avoids running buses during no travel advisories. However, these often are lifted quickly and some morning routes may begin in anticipation of the advisories being lifted shortly. Our intent is to not require transportation during these advisories and student safety is our number 1 priority.
  7. Parents have the final right of refusal in regards to bus service if you are uncomfortable with your child using the bus during weather situations. If you do not agree with your child being on the bus during a weather day; please keep them at home or bring them to school in another manner.
  8. Students on weather days will NOT be penalized in terms of attendance. If conditions are greatly improved by mid-day; an expectation will be to get your student to school once the conditions are improved. Please work with us to get your student to school when the conditions allow for it.
  9. For late start days, please check the website for information on school schedules and bus pick-up times. Be prepared for these situations when warranted and call Harlow’s transportation if any questions remain on the weather challenged days.
  10. Lastly, please be patient on these days as timings can be inconsistent based on roads traveled. Please utilize the Safe Stop program, referenced on the transportation section of our website, to get an idea of your bus’s location on these days.

The school district’s priority is always student safety. However, with our winter conditions it is important we prepare accordingly and the drivers and staff are trained to operate safely in a variety of winter conditions. The decision on weather is often difficult and will have a variety of perspectives; ultimately, you as a parent will need to make decisions as to how your child will participate on weather challenging days and be sure to communicate with the building offices as to your plans. Let’s hope for a mild and pleasant winter season, however, we also need to prepare for the situations that inevitably arise with our winter season. Thank you for your cooperation.

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