Scholarships & Financial Aid
Scholarships are listed by category in alphabetical order. Please click on the titles to see more information or begin the application process.
PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO DATES, especially the year. Some applications may be outdated and the new application not yet provided by the organization.
- ALERT Magazine Scholarship
- Allen Shelley Community Involvement Scholarship (printed application)
- American Legion Carl E Rogen Scholarship (printed application)
- Arnold & Dorthy Holm Scholarship (printed application)
- Connie Wold Wellness Scholarship (printed application)
- Dollars for Scholars - State Scholarships (list to link - website)
- Dollars for Scholars - Watford City (printed application)
- Eagles Aerie No 3543 Scholarship (printed application)
- Empty Saddle Memorial Scholarship (printed application)
- Gracie Johnsrud Be the Light Scholarship (printed application)
- Kingsley T. Davidson Scholarship (online application)
- Live Like Coy Scholarship (printed application)
- North Dakota Community Foundation Scholarships (link to list - website)
- North Dakota Jaycee Senate Scholarship (printed application)
- North Dakota School Counseling Association Scholarship (online application)
- North Dakota State Scholarship Application (online application)
- Rupert Rehberg Scholarship (online application)
- Online application only. Access code: rehberg
- SRO Leadership Scholarship (printed application)
- Watford City Lions Scholarship (printed application)
- Watford City Masons Scholarship (printed application)
- Watford City Rotary Club Scholarship (printed application)
- Dakota West Credit Union Scholarship (printed application)
- McKenzie Electric Scholarships (printed application)
- Must be a member of McKenzie Electric to apply. Basin Electric scholarship also available for MEC members.
- National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association Scholar Application (printed application)
- National Wild Turkey Federation Scholarship (online application)
- Do you love to hunt? Badlands Toms, our local National Wild Turkey Federation chapter, is again offering 1 local scholarship for $500. If you win, you will also get into the national scholarship contest for $10,000. Be sure to select Badlands Toms for your chapter name. It will also ask for your membership #. If you don't have one, you can either pay $10 for your own yearly membership OR contact Steve Meyer from Badlands Toms and he will help you get one for free! Memberships available here.
- ND Grocers Association (online application)
- Western Cooperative Credit Union (online or paper application)
- RTC Scholarships (online application)
- Associated General Contractors of North Dakota (printed application)
- Dickinson State University Scholarships (link to list - website)
- Leland & Judith Stenehjem Scholarship (printed application)
- For students attending NDSU.
- Minnesota/North Dakota Tuition Reciprocity Application (online application)
- For ND resident students attending a MN public institution, the reciprocity application is required to take advantage of tuition benefits. Seniors should complete the application for 2020-2021 as soon as possible, as deadlines apply and applications will not be retroactively approved.
- Minot State Scholarships (link to list - website)
- ND State Scholarship Application (online application)
- ND State Scholarship Info
- For information about the new state scholarship (Class of 2025 and later), you can watch an informational video by clicking "Class of 2025 and beyond," then "North Dakota Scholarship Requiprements and Information," then "ND Scholarship Video Presentation."
- NDSCS Wahpeton Scholarships (link to list - website)
- NDSU Scholarships (link to list - website)
- NDSU Farmhouse Scholarships (online application)
- For NDSU - males only
- NDUS Grants & Scholarships (link to list - website)
- U Mary Scholarships (link to list - website)
- UND Scholarships (link to list - website)
- UND Darold & Adella Petersen Scholarship
- No application - see counseling office to submit your name. Graduating seniors only.
- Western Undergraduate Exchange Information
- Williston State College - Free Tuition Information
- Williston State College Scholarships (link to list - website)
- Ag Country Farm Credit Services Scholarship (online application)
- Agtegra Cooperative Scholarship (paper application)
- Donna Matson Scholarship (online application)
- Online application only. Access code: matson
- NDCF Veterinary Medicine Scholarship (online application)
- Online application only. Access code: meisner
- FFA Scholarships (link to list - website)
- McKenzie County Soil Conservation District Scholarship (paper application)
- Monroe Scheflo Memorial Scholarship (paper application)
- ND Corn Growers Association Scholarship (online application)
- ND Crop Improvement & Seed Association Scholarships (online application)
- ND Farmers Union Scholarships (link to list - website)
- ND State Fair Scholarships (link to list - website)
- Must be a member of 4-H or FFA
- ND Stockmen's Foundation Scholarships (link to list - website)
- Watford City Parks & Recreation Foundation Scholarship (paper application)
- Wayne Olson Memorial Scholarship (paper application)
- Watford City High School Alumni Scholarship (online application)
- Online application only. Access code: watford
- WCEA Future Teachers Scholarship (paper application)
- Bismarck Cancer Center Scholarship (online application)
- McKenzie County Healthcare Scholarship (paper application)
- Stanley & Julie Buxa Nursing Scholarship (online application)
- Online application only. Access code: buxa
- Watford City Police Foundation Scholarship (paper application)
- American Legion Auxiliary - Nursing Scholarships Available (link to website)
- Associated General Contractors Scholarships (paper application)
- For students pursuing a career in construction
- Coteau Sponsorship (paper application)
- Dakota Cruisers Scholarship (paper application)
- Donald B. Sass Scholarship (paper application)
- Lynnes Welding Training Scholarship (link to list - website)
- Kirk Wold Memorial Trades Scholarship (paper application)
- ND Academic/CTE/ND Scholarships Apprenticeship Program
- Mike Rowe Works Foundation: Work Ethic Scholarship (online application)
- Ray & Lillian Gulbranson Scholarship (online application)
- Online application only. Access code: gulbranson
- Reuben T. Guenthner Scholarship (online application)
- Wayne Olson Memorial Scholarship (paper application)
- High School Counselors (9-12)
- Middle School Counselor (6-8)
- Elementary School Counselors (K-5)
- Anti-Bullying Procedures and Report Forms
- College Campus Visit Excused Absent Form
- Compass by Golden Path Solutions
- Course Selection & Registration
- AP Exam Registration
- North Dakota State Assessment Information (opens in new window)
- Mental Health & Suicide Prevention Resources
- Scholarships & Financial Aid
- Transcript Requests
- FAFSA Workshop
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